How I can assist in Managing your Data

  • Identify data sources and write sofware processes to integrate data
  • Develop a Database model that facilitates efficient storage and retrieval of data
  • Develop a system of checks and balances to reconcile and monitor data quality
  • Address performance strategies to process very large data quantities
  • Author a data management plan
  • Determine if ETL, Integration, Quality Control, Governance, Federation tasks can be accomplished writing custom SAS code or using specialized SAS products for each of these tasks

The SAS System supports a relational model to design and create tables similar to any database software. Data can be retrieved, manipulated and updated using industry standard SQL and the more powerful SAS Language and SCL (SAS Component Language). Access to SAS datasets is efficient because there is no intermediate layer between SAS Language and data structure. SAS/ACCESS allows seamlessly exchange data with many database software such as MySQL, SQL Server, DB2, Oracle, Sybase, IDMS, IMS and universal formats such as ODBC, XML.

ETL processing (Extract, Transformation, Load)

SAS Institute offers the following products for ETL processing:
  • SAS Access
  • SAS Data Management
  • SAS Data Loader for Hadoop

Data Integration

SAS Institute offers the following products for Data Integration:
  • SAS Data Integration for Midsize Business
  • SAS Data Surveyors
  • SAS Master Data Management

Data Quality

SAS Institute offers the following products for Data Quality management:
  • SAS Data Quality
  • SAS Data Quality for Midsize Business

Data Governance

SAS Institute offers the following products for Data Governance:
  • SAS Data Governance
  • SAS Metadata Server

Data Federation